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What Are You Going to Do When Machines Do Everything?

Are you going to be replaced by an algorithm or are you going to make the most of all AI has to offer? That’s the subject of my latest Knowledge podcast for The Levitt Group/Chartered Institute of Marketing,

I talk to Benjamin Pring from Cognizant about his book written in conjunction with his colleagues Malcolm Frank and Paul Roehrig; 'What to Do When Machines Do Everything: How to Get Ahead in a World of AI, Algorithms, Bots, and Big Data' published by Wiley.

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher radio or alternatively you can listen to the podcast here. You can also catch up with the podcast on YouTube.

'What To Do When Machines Do Everything' is a guidebook to succeeding in the next generation of the digital economy. When systems running on Artificial Intelligence can drive our cars, diagnose medical patients, and manage our finances more effectively than humans, it raises profound questions on the future of work and how companies compete.

More resources on this topic and other new technology can be found at


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